Ride Leader
An online self-study course that certifies an individual as a BICP Ride Leader.
The BICP Ride Leader course was developed to introduce the basics of how to lead mountain bike rides. This course is perfect for volunteers and/or people working as Ride Leaders for mountain biking clubs or afterschool programs. The course is not a skills clinic – participants must already have a solid understanding of mountain biking, based on their own personal riding experience.
The Ride Leader course will provide direction and build confidence to lead safe mountain bike rides. Providing the necessary tools and awareness to lead a group on safe mountain bike rides geared towards beginner trails. The Ride Leader will use the Pre-Ride Assessment to spot and correct basic bike skills for the safety of their group.
How to lead in a safe way
Length: A full online-self-study course that certifies an individual as a BICP Ride Leader.
Cost: € 200,-
Completion of the course, in addition to passing a written exam, will qualify an individual to:
- Lead individual or group mountain bike ride in a professional, systematic and safe manner
- Assess the level of each rider in their group through a Pre-Ride Assessment
- Assess and diagnose common errors within each rider’s fundamental skills
- Prepare and implement action plans in an emergency situation
- Make responsible choices in picking trail routes for specific groups
- Assist BICP instructors at clinics, camps, and events
Ride Leader Prerequisites:
- Current First Aid and CPR certificate
- Three or more years of mountain biking experience
- Have at least 40 hours of volunteer hours with local rec. center, bike shops, trail groups, etc.
- At least 18 years of age
- Good communication skills with a strong desire to help others have more fun and progress safely
- Ability to perform basic trailside repairs (flat tires, broken chains, and shifting adjustments)
Ride Leader Course Topics:
- How to prepare for your ride
- Safety Procedures
- Emergency Action Plans
- Effective Communication Skills
- Group Management
- Pre-Ride Assessment
- Steps to a Guided Ride
The certification holder must maintain their annual membership dues (20 € per year).
This certification holder must maintain a current basic First Aid / CPR training certification.
In diesem Basiskurs lernst Du das Werkzeug, um MTB-Gruppen sicher zu führen.
Der Kurs ist ein reiner Online-Lehrgang und ist die Basis für alle Instruktor-Kurse.
Dauer: Online-Selbststudium
Datum: jederzeit
200,- €
Nicht inkludiert:
Hinzu kommt die jährliche Mitgliedsgebühr von 20,- € beim BICP Europe, um die Validität der Zertifizierung aufrecht zu erhalten (ab dem Folgejahr der Zertifizierung).